Vscan Air CL

Ecografo VSscanAir Rivenditore Marche Umbria Colma

Vscan Air SL

Ecografi GE Marche Umbria

Immediate decisions.

Ecografi Facili da Utilizzare

Intuitive and
simple to use.

Ecografi GE Immagini Chiare Colma Macerata Tolentino Marche

Clear images
for reliable decisions.

Supporto on site Ecografi GE Marche


backed Ecografi General Electric Umbria Marche

Guaranteed quality
GE Healthcare.

Vscan Air CL

A new frontier in wireless ultrasound, a portable and lightweight solution that allows for a clear and highly qualitative full-body scan directly on your smart device. Resistant, intuitive and performing.


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Vscan Air SL

A new frontier in wireless ultrasound, a portable and lightweight solution that allows for a clear and highly qualitative cardio-vascular scan directly on your smart device. Resistant, intuitive and performing.


Download brochure >

To request a free demo write us

To request a free demo write us